America’s Overdue to Unfriend Mark Zuckerberg
The tech boss is finally being recognized as the American villain he is, rather than the folk hero he’s tried to present himself as. Many have understandably applauded Facebook’s…
U.S. Fiscal Profligacy and the Impending Crisis
Massive demand-side stimulus combined with constraints on the supply-side in the form of higher taxes is a sure recipe for inflation and eventual recession. The Fiscal Year 2021 US…
WATCH: What is China’s Grand Strategy?
A recording from our live event featuring Washington Fellow David P. Goldman.
Economic Civil War
Our national divide is usually cast in terms of ideology, race, climate, and gender. But it might be more accurate to see our national conflict as regional and riven by…
The Democrats’ Paranormal Economics
US government debt now stands at $20 trillion, or roughly 100% of GDP. This should be a concern, but Democratic economists are not worried. A much-discussed November 30…
China’s Plan to Take Over the Global Economy
The following is a lightly edited extract from David P. Goldman’s new book, You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World. Let’s invent a genre-bending script for…
Empire of Emperors: Why You Should Worry About China
Adapted from You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World by David P. Goldman (Post Hill Press, 2020). * * * Lyndon Johnson apocryphally told Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir…
Blue Today, Bluer Tomorrow
The long-rising blue tide that has colored American politics and values may have crested, but it could still have enough momentum to make it through the election year. Even if…
Triumph of the Oligarchs
The coronavirus has trammeled the prospects of most Americans, particularly low-income workers. But for one small group, the pandemic has proved something like manna from heaven. Already ascendant…
The Chinese Challenge
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross described five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Over the past decade America has been in denial about China’s emergence as a global power.